RCC Continuing Education Admissions

Notification of Rights under FERPA

Create an Account

* denotes a required field.
Login Information
Choose a User Name
  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Must begin with a letter (A to Z).
  • May contain letters, numbers, periods, and hyphens.
  • Case insensitive.
Enter a Password
  • Must be at least 4 characters in length.
  • Can be any combination of letters, numbers, symbols, etc.
  • Case sensitive.
Select a Hint Question and Answer
  • If you forget your password, we will ask you this question to allow you to reset your password:
  • To help you remember your answer, you may limit it to one word and do not use special characters:
Demographic Information
: - -

1 Providing your Social Security number is voluntary. If you provide it, the college will use your Social Security number for keeping records, doing research, reporting enrollment, aggregate reporting, extending credit and collecting debts, and providing required information related to the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 to IRS. Your Social Security number will not be given to the general public. If you choose not to provide your Social Security number, you will not be denied any rights as a student. Please read the statement in the policy section of the class schedule, which describes how your number will be used. Providing your Social Security number means that you consent to use of the number in the manner described. Translations in other languages are available.

Are you Hispanic or Latino?*

In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself:

Contact Information
